Passo Rolle e Passo VallesWe start from Alleghe and ride the easy 10 km that lead us to Cencenighe Agordino. From here we go u..
Product #: b1157 based on 5 reviews
Regular price: 25,00 €
25,00 €
We start from Alleghe and ride the easy 10 km that lead us to Cencenighe Agordino. From here we go up the Biois valley. The road has discontinuous slopes: alternating stretches of false flat to steep stretches. The landscape opens up vast and sunny pastures. A new challenging tear near Caviola prelude to a new slight slope that leads to Falcade. After the basin on which relaxes the town face a long hairpin, passing the imposing church and is reached by steep slopes the fraction of Falcade Alto. Abandoned after a narrow passage the last houses continues with moderate slope among woods and steep meadows until the Sega Bridge: two wide hairpins and we reach the junction to the San Pellegrino pass. From this point very few concessions that are reserved to us: the way it greatly narrows and enters the dense forest, with slopes ranging consistently around 10%. After the catwalk of ski track that falls in Falcade the valley opens onto a wonderful wild and lonely mountain panorama. After a curve to the right it will come out on the Passo Valles. Descending towards Paneveggio. We turn left to face Passo Rolle. It rises gently up to the bridge over the Rio Travignolo, then the road becomes steeper and climbs through the beautiful forest of Paneveggio. The forest becomes progressively sparser and the view opens on the surrounding mountains. We reach the pass, opened the saddle between Monte Cavallazza and Monte Castellazzo and dominated by the tooth of the Pala Cimon. The descent takes us to San Martino di Castrozza where the race ends.
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Mauro Rizzardo on 27-02-2017 02:22 PM
Beautiful video, filmed perfectly with a very constant speed, very smooth gradient changes which is very nice. Thank you
Andreas K. on 28-09-2017 05:02 PM
two nice climbs, not particular easy ... some flat and downhill sections to recover ... very good picture .... interesting route ... what more can you expect from a RLV? Again a pretty good one from the bikelab!
Matthew on 25-02-2018 11:10 AM
For me, 'Passo Rolle e Passo Valles' and 'Passo Cereda and Forcella Aurine' are 'day 2' of the GF ''Sprotful Classic'. On the one hand, it's the easier day. But on the other hand it's the tougher one, since 'day 1' strips most of the 'grains' out of your muscles. It starts with very easy 10 k, before you are confornted with an almost 20 k long climb. Its not very steep, but 1200 m altitude. After you finished this climb almost half of the altitude of day 2 is done. But since all four Sprotfull Classic-RLVs sum up to more tha 5700 m altitude, it doesn't take a tough climb to make you suffer.
Excellent video quality.
Giancarlo on 25-04-2020 09:26 PM
Questa perla Bikelab si completa perfettamente con quella del Gardeccia, che salendo a Paneveggio dalla Val di Fiemme per poi girare verso il Valles, ti invoglia proprio a salire questo passo al contrario come si fa qui da Falcade. Dopo la sua discesa al cospetto del Mulaz e della Val Venegia, finalmente si sale attraverso la foresta di Paneveggio - una delle + belle al mondo - verso il Rolle. La vista che si apre in prossimità del Passo sulle Pale di San Martino ha un non so che di affascinante perché lascia alle indimenticabili immagini di passaggi precedenti o di repertorio la sagoma del Cimon avvolto nelle nubi ma esalta l’imponenza della Cima Vezzana, la vetta più alta di tutto il Gruppo. Scendendo dal Rolle si vedono sulla destra le canne di falesia della Cima Tognazza nota x le brevi ma impegnative salite in arrampicata sportiva. Poi che dire del percorso; un susseguirsi di boschi, alpeggi e ricordi attraversati solo dal ns silenzioso incedere in bici: un vero paradiso!
Paolo on 10-01-2021 06:44 PM
Filmato spettacolare in un ambiente spettacolare! Il piacere assoluto di rivivere percorsi già fatti nella realtà, con immagini di altissima qualità, sia per risoluzione che stabilità (nessuna vibrazione per le irregolarità della strada). Complimenti a tutta l'organizzazione.