Monte Crostis
From Ravasletto we enter a valley in the direction of Tualis where began the epic and spectacular ascent of Monte Crostis. This climb is the most beautiful in Friuli and its difficulty is surpassed only by the Zoncolan. After leaving the village of Tualis, descending through the dense forest of fir trees, the slopes then become nasty. The ascent is always very steep on a narrow rough track. The only times one can “catch breathers” are on some of the 18 hairpin bends that separate the long straight slopes of between 10 and 14%. Finally, the forest begins to thin out where glimpses the vast grasslands that cover the upper part of the Crostis massif can be first seen. The final part is the hardest with an average of 12% and peaks of 18-20%. After the last bend is addressed a final straight section becomes gradually less difficult until, after a blind curve, you finally reach the top. After a brief descent, the road goes up and down for about the next 7 km, 5 km of which is unpaved leading to the the so-called "Overview of the peaks." This amazing natural amphitheater is followed by the spectacular descent of about 10 km back to Ravascletto. From here the ride continues on a relaxing descent in the last kilometers to finish the race.
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